Art Therapy

Using Creativity to Solve Problems

Facilitated by: Alix Bilton Registered Psychologist MAPS and Art Therapist

What is Art Therapy

Art therapy provides a structured setting for individuals to gain insight to inner motivations and issues. Used as an adjunct to evidenced based therapies, an individual creates an image or object that becomes the focus for their session. Their own expression in the art is a powerful access point for the therapist to guide the counselling outcomes.

Efficacy of Art Therapy

Art therapy is particularly effective for people who are struggling to identify and articulate issues.

There is sound evidence for the efficacy of Art Therapy in populations who:

  • have mental health issues[1];
  • are undergoing medical treatment[2];
  • have experienced trauma[3]; and/or
  • have not responded to traditional talking therapies[4].

Art Therapy - AB Psychology

Outcomes of Art Therapy

  • Stress reduction and management
  • Increased engagement, motivation and a sense of control
  • Expression and communication of; distress, core issues, barriers to progress, strengths and resources
  • Development of motivation towards goal setting and support to progress towards goals

Individual Art Therapy

  • Appropriateness of Art Therapy discussed during consultation with consideration of goals and desired therapeutic outcomes.

Group Art Therapy Program

  • A group usually comprises between 4-8 participants.
  • Prior to the program, suitability is determined along with participant goals.
  • Participation in group-based art making activities and reflection on activity.  The activity for each session is determined in light of progress and commitment to attend the next session. Verbal and/or written feedback provided to the appropriate referral source.
  • Cost to be determined based on requirements including; facility, number of sessions, number of participants, likely cost of materials, reporting requirements.

With 20 years’ experience as a Registered Psychologist, Alix has qualifications and broad experience applying evidenced based Psychological Therapies and Art Therapy with a broad range of clients including individuals and groups with; acute and chronic pain, mental health disorders, addictions, loss and trauma.  For further information contact Alix on 0492 903 643 or

[1] Regev and Cohen-Yatziv’s, 2018;  Curry and Kasser, 2005; Uttley et. Al, 2015
[2] Oster et. Al. 2007
[3] Siddiqui, 2006; Malchiodi, 2001; Talvar, 2007
[4] Klorer, 2005; Talvar, 2007; Malchiodi, 2001